Abstract Submission
Deadline for abstract submission: October 15th 2022
Types of Submissions
All types of presentations (symposia, lectures, posters and oral presentations will be included in the program and the abstract book)
Symposia ana lectures will be included in the chronological programand will be done live and with physical presence except from very distinguished guests, while the posters and oral presentations will be asynchronous and will be included with a button which will launch their online presentation. Symposia and Lectures WILL NOT be broadcasted online.
At least one from the author’s team should be registered in the congress
They should include at least 3 speakers and 1 chair. The details needed are the following
- Title of the symposium
- Name and surname of speakers and chair(s)
- Affiliation of of speakers and chair(s)
- Titles of individual speeches
- DO NOT send any abstract
These are usually invited lectures and should include
- Title of the lecture
- Name and surname of speaker and chair(s)
- Affiliation of of speaker and chair(s)
- DO NOT send any abstract
These are visual presentations only and should include an ABSTRACT of no more than 300 words plus the file of the poster in powerpoint format (single slide in ppt or pptx) and not bigger than 2 MB
Click here to submit your abstract
Free ORAL communications
These are asynchronous oralvideo presentations and will be hosted online in the congress’ website only. The participants will be able to go online and watch them any time they wish. Submissions should include an abstract of no more than 300 words plus the file of the video in mp4 format and not longer than 10 minutes presentation.
The easiest way to record such a video presentation is via powerpoint and you can find instructions here