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K.N. Fountoulakis CV





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Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis M.D.


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

(updated June 2019)

Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, MD, is Professor of Psychiatry at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, AHEPA University Hospital, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

General background
Dr. Fountoulakis received his medical degree (1989), performed his residency in psychiatry (1998), and earned his doctorate in psychiatry (1999) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He received a 3-year fellowship in psychosomatic medicine and a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship for research from the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece. Until 2003 he served as a medical officer in the Greek Armed forces retired with the rank of major. In 2005, Dr. Fountoulakis was a Research Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, Division of Neuropsychiatry, at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.

Research and teaching topics
Dr. Fountoulakis’ areas of clinical and research interest are reflected in the topics that he teaches: general psychiatry, biological psychiatry, psychopharmacology, mood disorders, schizophrenia and personality disorders. He has coauthored more than 400 papers and more than 250 of them are published in international journals such as the LANCET, BMJ, Am J Psychiatry, British Journal of Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Journal of Affective Disorders, Schizophrenia Research, Psychiatry Research, Bipolar Disorders, and the Annals of General Psychiatry among others, with approx. 10,000 citations and h=50 (Publish or Perish). During the years 2016-8 he was ranked by expertscape.com within the top 25 world experts concerning Bipolar disorder (0.068%) and among the top 50 concerning suicidality (0.097%).

He authored or co-authored a number of chapters in books including the Mood disorders chapter for the Wiki project of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). He has authored the book ‘Bipolar disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide to Manic Depression’ (Springer-Verlag 2015), co-edited the WPA book ‘Advances in Psychiatry vol 3’ (Springer-Verlag 2018), and the book ‘Psychobiology of behavior’ (Springer-Verlag 2019)

Membership in scientific associations
He chairs the ISNP and since 2006, he served as Secretary, since 2008 as co-chair, and currently as Chair of the Private Practice Section and also currently is chair of the section of Evidence Based Psychiatry, of the World Psychiatric Association. He served as Chair of the CINP Credentials and Membership Committee (2010-2) and the Neuropsychological and Psychometric Instruments Section, of the Greek Psychiatric Association. He is an active member of a number of national and international professional organizations, including the EPA, APA, WPA, CINP, ECNP, ISAD, ISBD, EBF and others, peer referee for the Cochrane Collaboration and member of the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Advisory Board to the Task Force on the Usefulness of Antidepressants and the Mental Health Economics Task Force of the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA).

Publications and related issues
Dr. Fountoulakis served for almost 20 years as Editor of Annals of General Psychiatry and currently is field editor of CNS Spectrums (IF=3.9). He also served as Section Editor of Current Opinion in Psychiatry as well as guest editor in other international journals.

Administration experience
In 2009 was appointed member and in 2012-4 chair of the Greek Ministry of Health Committee for the Administrative, Economic and Scientific Supervision of the Mental Health Units of the deinstitutionalization project. In 2013 was appointed chair of the Independent Committee of Experts for the Assessment of Mental Health Services of the Greek Ministry of Health.

Events organized
Was secretary of CME of the International Congress on Brain and Behaviour (2003-2007). Organized and chaired the series of International Congress on Neurobiology and Psychopharmacology (2009- ), the International Congress on Evidence Based Mental Health (2016- ) and a series of certified by the WPA educational Workshops. For details on the significant number of meetings, congresses and workshops organized please see www.psychiatry.gr

International awards
He has received a number of national and international research awards, including the 2012 Kraepelin-Alzheimer medal of the University of Munich and the 2015 Excellence in Education Award of the WFSBP.
Since 2014 he is honorary member of the WPA

Selected publications [1-187][188-260]

  1. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Kantartzis S, Panagiotidis P, Iacovides A, Kaprinis GS: Acute dystonia with low-dosage aripiprazole in Tourette's disorder. Ann Pharmacother 2006, 40(4):775-777.
  2. Hyphantis TN, Taunay TC, Macedo DS, Soeiro-de-Souza MG, Bisol LW, Fountoulakis KN, Lara DR, Carvalho AF: Affective temperaments and ego defense mechanisms associated with somatic symptom severity in a large sample. J Affect Disord 2013, 150(2):481-489.
  3. Tsolaki M, Fountoulakis K, Nakopoulou E, Kazis A, Mohs RC: Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale: the validation of the scale in Greece in elderly demented patients and normal subjects. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 1997, 8(5):273-280.
  4. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis P, Siamouli M, Kantartzis S, Mavridis T, Iacovides A, Kaprinis G: Amisulpride-induced tardive dyskinesia. Schizophr Res 2006, 88(1-3):232-234.
  5. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X: Ancestry and different rates of suicide and homicide in European countries: A study with population-level data. J Affect Disord 2018, 232:152-162.
  6. Fountoulakis K: Annals of General Psychiatry. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2005, 4(1):3.
  7. Fountoulakis KN: Annals of General Psychiatry reviewer acknowledgement 2012. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2013, 12(1):5.
  8. Fountoulakis KN: Annals of General Psychiatry reviewer acknowledgement 2013. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2014, 13(1):3.
  9. Fountoulakis KN: Annals of general psychiatry reviewer acknowledgement 2014. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2015, 14:9.
  10. Fountoulakis KN, Moller HJ: Antidepressant drugs and the response in the placebo group: the real problem lies in our understanding of the issue. J Psychopharmacol 2012, 26(5):744-750.
  11. Sartorius N, Baghai TC, Baldwin DS, Barrett B, Brand U, Fleischhacker W, Goodwin G, Grunze H, Knapp M, Leonard BE et al: Antidepressant medications and other treatments of depressive disorders: a CINP Task Force report based on a review of evidence. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2007, 10 Suppl 1:S1-207.
  12. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Samara M, Siapera M, Karavelas V, Ristic DI, Iacovides A: Antiepileptic drugs and suicidality. Journal of psychopharmacology 2012, 26(11):1401-1407.
  13. Fountoulakis KN, Moller HJ: Are antidepressants clinically useful? Conclusion of a decade of debate. World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association 2014, 13(2):201-202.
  14. Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis SG, Iacovides A, Phokas K, Kaprinis G: Are dexamethasone suppression test nonsuppression and thyroid dysfunction related to a family history of dementia in patients with major depression? An exploratory study. Can J Psychiatry 2005, 50(6):342-345.
  15. Fountoulakis KN: Are molecular scanners going to make double-blind placebo-controlled trials impossible? Evidence-based mental health 2016, 19(4):128.
  16. Kaprinis GS, Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis SG: Arguments against the cognitive dysmetria hypothesis of schizophrenia. Percept Mot Skills 2002, 94(3 Pt 1):975-984.
  17. Goodwin GM, Abbar M, Schlaepfer TE, Grunze H, Licht RW, Bellivier F, Fountoulakis KN, Altamura AC, Pitchot W, Agren H et al: Aripiprazole in patients with bipolar mania and beyond: an update of practical guidance. Curr Med Res Opin 2011, 27(12):2285-2299.
  18. Fountoulakis KN, Vieta E, Schmidt F: Aripiprazole monotherapy in the treatment of bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis. J Affect Disord 2011, 133(3):361-370.
  19. Fountoulakis KN, Giannakopoulos P, Kovari E, Bouras C: Assessing the role of cingulate cortex in bipolar disorder: neuropathological, structural and functional imaging data. Brain Res Rev 2008, 59(1):9-21.
  20. Garriga M, Pacchiarotti I, Kasper S, Zeller SL, Allen MH, Vazquez G, Baldacara L, San L, McAllister-Williams RH, Fountoulakis KN et al: Assessment and management of agitation in psychiatry: Expert consensus. World J Biol Psychiatry 2016, 17(2):86-128.
  21. Erzin G, Topcuoglu C, Kotan VO, Bayram S, Fountoulakis K: Assessment of Irisin, Adiponectin and Leptin Levels in Patients with Schizophrenia. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2018, 18(2):163-169.
  22. Rihmer Z, Erdos P, Ormos M, Fountoulakis KN, Vazquez G, Pompili M, Gonda X: Association between affective temperaments and season of birth in a general student population. J Affect Disord 2011, 132(1-2):64-70.
  23. Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Ayhan Y, Baethge C, Bauer R, Baune BT et al: Association between solar insolation and a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder. J Psychiatr Res 2019, 113:1-9.
  24. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Csukly G, Telek T, Pap D, Rihmer Z, Bagdy G: Association of a trait-like bias towards the perception of negative subjective life events with risk of developing premenstrual symptoms. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2010, 34(3):500-505.
  25. Eory A, Rozsa S, Gonda X, Dome P, Torzsa P, Simavorian T, Fountoulakis KN, Pompili M, Serafini G, Akiskal KK et al: The association of affective temperaments with smoking initiation and maintenance in adult primary care patients. J Affect Disord 2015, 172:397-402.
  26. Telek T, Gonda X, Csukly G, Fountoulakis K, Bagdy G: Association of menstrual cycle related symptoms with mood changes. Annals of General Psychiatry 2010, 9(S1):S202.
  27. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Juhasz G, Rihmer Z, Lazary J, Laszik A, Akiskal HS, Bagdy G: Association of the s allele of the 5-HTTLPR with neuroticism-related traits and temperaments in a psychiatrically healthy population. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2009, 259(2):106-113.
  28. Fountoulakis KN, Theodorakis PN: Austerity and health in Greece. Lancet 2014, 383(9928):1543.
  29. Fotiou F, Fountoulakis KN, Goulas A, Alexopoulos L, Palikaras A: Automated standardized pupillometry with optical method for purposes of clinical practice and research. Clin Physiol 2000, 20(5):336-347.
  30. Fountoulakis KN: The BALANCE trial. Lancet 2010, 375(9723):1343-1344; author reply 1344.
  31. Fountoulakis KN, Kantartzis S, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis P, Kaprinis SG, Kourila E, Lacovides A, Kaprinis GS: Beneficial effect of long-acting injectable risperidone on the neurocognitive deficit of a schizophrenic patient: A case report. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006, 44(11):589-592.
  32. Rosenblat JD, McIntyre RS, Alves GS, Fountoulakis KN, Carvalho AF: Beyond Monoamines-Novel Targets for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Comprehensive Review. Current neuropharmacology 2015, 13(5):636-655.
  33. Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis S, Iacovides A, Fotiou F, Kaprinis G: Biological markers and psychophysiological methods as long term response predictors to fluoxetine treatment. J Affect Disord 2004, 80(2-3):291-292.
  34. Esan O, Osunbote C, Oladele O, Fakunle S, Ehindero C, Fountoulakis KN: Bipolar I disorder in remission vs. schizophrenia in remission: Is there a difference in burden? Comprehensive psychiatry 2017, 72:130-135.
  35. Fountoulakis KN, Samara MT, Siamouli M: Burning issues in the meta-analysis of pharmaceutical trials for depression. J Psychopharmacol 2014, 28(2):106-117.
  36. Iacovides A, Fountoulakis K, Moysidou C, Ierodiakonou C: Burnout in nursing staff: a clinical syndrome rather than a psychological reaction? Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1997, 19(6):419-428.
  37. Iacovides A, Fountoulakis KN, Moysidou C, Ierodiakonou C: Burnout in nursing staff: is there a relationship between depression and burnout? Int J Psychiatry Med 1999, 29(4):421-433.
  38. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis P, Moutou K, Nimatoudis I, Kasper S: A case-control study of paternal and maternal age as risk factors in mood disorders. International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 2019, 23(2):90-98.
  39. Fotiou F, Goulas A, Fountoulakis K, Koutlas E, Hamlatzis P, Papakostopoulos D: Changes in psychophysiological processing of vision in myasthenia gravis. Int J Psychophysiol 1998, 29(3):303-310.
  40. Fotiou F, Fountoulakis KN, Tsolaki M, Goulas A, Palikaras A: Changes in pupil reaction to light in Alzheimer's disease patients: a preliminary report. Int J Psychophysiol 2000, 37(1):111-120.
  41. Fountoulakis K, Fotiou F, Iacovides A, Tsiptsios J, Goulas A, Tsolaki M, Ierodiakonou C: Changes in pupil reaction to light in melancholic patients. Int J Psychophysiol 1999, 31(2):121-128.
  42. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Kaprinis G, Fotiou F: Changes in the pupil reflex arc in depressive patients. J Affect Disord 2005, 87(2-3):341-342.
  43. Fountoulakis KN: Changing response rates in clinical trials of depression: how did the introduction of DSM-III and DSM-III-R influence the outcome? Evidence-based mental health 2017, 20(2):64.
  44. Fountoulakis KN: Circadian rhythms: strong evidence on how to approach depression. Annals of General Psychiatry 2010, 9(S1):S48.
  45. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Vieta E, Rihmer Z: Class effect of pharmacotherapy in bipolar disorder: fact or misbelief? Ann Gen Psychiatry 2011, 10(1):8.
  46. Fountoulakis KN, Savopoulos C, Zannis P, Apostolopoulou M, Fountoukidis I, Kakaletsis N, Kanellos I, Dimellis D, Hyphantis T, Tsikerdekis A et al: Climate change but not unemployment explains the changing suicidality in Thessaloniki Greece (2000-2012). J Affect Disord 2016, 193:331-338.
  47. Tsiptsios I, Fountoulakis KN, Sitzoglou K, Papanicolaou A, Phokas K, Fotiou F, St Kaprinis G: Clinical and neuroimaging correlates of abnormal short-latency Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in elderly vascular dementia patients: A psychophysiological exploratory study. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2003, 2(1):8.
  48. Toni C, Perugi G, Frare F, Tusini G, Fountoulakis KN, Akiskal KK, Akiskal HS: The clinical-familial correlates and naturalistic outcome of panic-disorder-agoraphobia with and without lifetime bipolar II comorbidity. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2008, 7:23.
  49. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, St Kaprinis G: Combined oral venlafaxine and intravenous clomipramine-A: successful temporary response in a patient with extremely refractory depression. Can J Psychiatry 2004, 49(1):73-74.
  50. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M: Comparative efficacy of anti-manic drugs in acute mania. Lancet 2012, 379(9819):893-894.
  51. Fountoulakis KN, Bech P, Panagiotidis P, Siamouli M, Kantartzis S, Papadopoulou A, Papadopoulou M, Kaprinis S, Kourila E, Iacovides A et al: Comparison of depressive indices: reliability, validity, relationship to anxiety and personality and the role of age and life events. J Affect Disord 2007, 97(1-3):187-195.
  52. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Nimatoudis I, Kaprinis G, Ierodiakonou C: Comparison of the diagnosis of melancholic and atypical features according to DSM-IV and somatic syndrome according to ICD-10 in patients suffering from major depression. Eur Psychiatry 1999, 14(8):426-433.
  53. Fountoulakis K, Kogiopoulos K, Nimatoudis I, Iacovides A, Nikolaou T, Ierodiakonou C: The concept of mental disorder in Greek cinema. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1998, 98(4):336-340.
  54. Koufaki I, Polizoidou V, Fountoulakis KN: [The concept of temperament and its contribution to the understanding of the bipolar spectrum]. Psychiatrike = Psychiatriki 2017, 28(2):142-155.
  55. Fountoulakis KN: The contemporary face of bipolar illness: complex diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. CNS Spectr 2008, 13(9):763-774, 777-769.
  56. Tsolaki M, Sakka V, Gerasimou G, Dimacopoulos N, Chatzizisi O, Fountoulakis KN, Kyriazis G, Papanastasiou J, Kazis A: Correlation of rCBF (SPECT), CSF tau, and cognitive function in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type, other types of dementia, and control subjects. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2001, 16(1):21-31.
  57. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis P, Gonda X, Kimiskidis V, Nimatoudis I: Corrigendum to "Neurological soft signs significantly differentiate schizophrenia patients from healthy controls"; [Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2018;30(2):97-105]. Acta Neuropsychiatr 2019, 31(1):61.
  58. Dragioti E, Wiklund T, Siamouli M, Moutou K, Fountoulakis KN: Could PANSS be a useful tool in the determining of the stages of schizophrenia? A clinically operational approach. J Psychiatr Res 2017, 86:66-72.
  59. Kimiskidis VK, Triantafyllou NI, Kararizou E, Gatzonis SS, Fountoulakis KN, Siatouni A, Loucaidis P, Pseftogianni D, Vlaikidis N, Kaprinis GS: Depression and anxiety in epilepsy: the association with demographic and seizure-related variables. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2007, 6:28.
  60. Sitzoglou K, Fotiou F, Tsiptsios I, Tsonidis C, Fountoulakis K, Papakostopoulos D, Tsitsopoulos P: Dermatomal SEPs--a complementary study in evaluating patients with lumbosacral disc prolapse. Int J Psychophysiol 1997, 25(3):221-226.
  61. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis PT, Siamouli M, Magiria S, Sokolaki S, Kantartzis S, Rova K, Papastergiou N, Shoretstanitis G, Oral T et al: Development of a standardized scoring method for the Graphic Sequence Test suitable for use in psychiatric populations. Cogn Behav Neurol 2008, 21(1):18-27.
  62. Fountoulakis KN, Lekka E, Kouidi E, Chouvarda I, Deligiannis A, Maglaveras N: Development of the Global Disability Scale (Glo.Di.S): preliminary results. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2012, 11(1):14.
  63. Fountoulakis KN, Pantoula E, Siamouli M, Moutou K, Gonda X, Rihmer Z, Iacovides A, Akiskal H: Development of the Risk Assessment Suicidality Scale (RASS): a population-based study. J Affect Disord 2012, 138(3):449-457.
  64. Fountoulakis KN, Pantoula E, Siamouli M, Moutou K, Gonda X, Rihmer Z, Iacovides A, Akiskal H: [Development of the Risk Assessment Suicidality Scale (RASS): a population-based study]. Psychiatrike = Psychiatriki 2011, 22(2):132-147.
  65. Iacovides A, Fountoulakis KN, Grammaticos P, Ierodiakonou C: Difference in symptom profile between generalized anxiety disorder and anxiety secondary to hyperthyroidism. Int J Psychiatry Med 2000, 30(1):71-81.
  66. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X: Differential correlation of suicide and homicide rates according to geographical areas: A study with population-level data. Psychiatry Res 2017, 249:167-171.
  67. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Kaprinis SG, Kaprinis GS: Diffuse muscle pain with quetiapine. Br J Psychiatry 2003, 182:81.
  68. Fountoulakis KN: Disruption of biological rhythms as a core problem and therapeutic target in mood disorders: the emerging concept of "Rhythm-regulators". Ann Gen Psychiatry 2010, 9(Suppl 1 1st International Congress on Neurobiology and Clini):S226.
  69. Fountoulakis KN, Fotiou F, Iacovides A, Kaprinis G: Do depressive patients with family history of dementia constitute a separate group? A case report study. International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 2000, 4(3):215-222.
  70. Ntountoulaki E, Guthrie E, Kotsis K, Paika V, Tatsioni A, Tomenson B, Fountoulakis KN, Carvalho AF, Hyphantis T, members A-ASG: Double RASS cutpoint accurately diagnosed suicidal risk in females with long-term conditions attending the emergency department compared to their male counterparts. Comprehensive psychiatry 2016, 69:193-201.
  71. Fountoulakis KN: DSM-III-R change in definition might have affected placebo response to antidepressants. The lancet Psychiatry 2017, 4(1):21-22.
  72. Fountoulakis KN, Samolis S, Iacovides A, St Kaprinis G: Ecchymoses as an adverse effect of fluoxetine treatment. Psychiatry Res 2007, 152(1):91-92.
  73. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Grammatikopoulos IA, Koupidis SA, Siapera M, Theodorakis PN: Economic crisis-related increased suicidality in Greece and Italy: a premature overinterpretation. J Epidemiol Community Health 2013, 67(4):379-380.
  74. Carvalho AF, Fountoulakis KN, McIntyre RS: Editorial: cognitive dysfunction in major depressive disorder - pathophysiology, clinical implications and treatment opportunities). CNS & neurological disorders drug targets 2014, 13(10):1637-1639.
  75. Kaltsatou A, Kouidi E, Fountoulakis K, Sipka C, Theochari V, Kandylis D, Deligiannis A: Effects of exercise training with traditional dancing on functional capacity and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia: a randomized controlled study. Clinical rehabilitation 2015, 29(9):882-891.
  76. Fountoulakis KN, Vieta E: Efficacy and safety of aripiprazole in the treatment of bipolar disorder: a systematic review. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2009, 8:16.
  77. Fountoulakis KN, Karavelas V, Moysidou S, Mavridis D, Pastiadis K, Petalidou N, Nimatoudis I, Kasper S: Efficacy of Add-on Pregabalin in the Treatment of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Unipolar Major Depression With an Early Nonresponse to Escitalopram: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study. Pharmacopsychiatry 2018.
  78. Fountoulakis KN, Moller HJ: Efficacy of antidepressants: a re-analysis and re-interpretation of the Kirsch data. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology / official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum 2011, 14(3):405-412.
  79. Yatham LN, Fountoulakis KN, Rahman Z, Ammerman D, Fyans P, Marler SV, Baker RA, Carlson BX: Efficacy of aripiprazole versus placebo as adjuncts to lithium or valproate in relapse prevention of manic or mixed episodes in bipolar I patients stratified by index manic or mixed episode. J Affect Disord 2013, 147(1-3):365-372.
  80. Fountoulakis KN, Kasper S, Andreassen O, Blier P, Okasha A, Severus E, Versiani M, Tandon R, Moller HJ, Vieta E: Efficacy of pharmacotherapy in bipolar disorder: a report by the WPA section on pharmacopsychiatry. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2012, 262 Suppl 1:1-48.
  81. Muralidharan K, Ali M, Silveira LE, Bond DJ, Fountoulakis KN, Lam RW, Yatham LN: Efficacy of second generation antipsychotics in treating acute mixed episodes in bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials. J Affect Disord 2013, 150(2):408-414.
  82. Fountoulakis KN: The emerging modern face of mood disorders: a didactic editorial with a detailed presentation of data and definitions. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2010, 9:14.
  83. Fountoulakis KN: Employment insecurity, mental health and suicide. Psychiatrike = Psychiatriki 2017, 28(3):259-264.
  84. Fountoulakis KN, Tsolaki M, Mohs RC, Kazis A: Epidemiological dementia index: a screening instrument for Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia suitable for use in populations with low education level. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 1998, 9(6):329-338.
  85. Fotiou F, Fountoulakis KN: Evidence for a central cholinergic deficit in myasthenia gravis. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2000, 12(4):514-515.
  86. Baghai TC, Blier P, Baldwin DS, Bauer M, Goodwin GM, Fountoulakis KN, Kasper S, Leonard BE, Malt UF, Stein DJ et al: Executive summary of the report by the WPA section on pharmacopsychiatry on general and comparative efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants in the acute treatment of depressive disorders. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2012, 262(1):13-22.
  87. Fountoulakis KN, Koupidis SA, Grammatikopoulos IA, Theodorakis PN: First reliable data suggest a possible increase in suicides in Greece. BMJ 2013, 347:f4900.
  88. Fountoulakis KN, Akiskal HS: Focus on bipolar illness. CNS Spectr 2008, 13(9):762.
  89. Fountoulakis KN, McIntyre RS, Carvalho AF: From Randomized Controlled Trials of Antidepressant Drugs to the Meta-Analytic Synthesis of Evidence: Methodological Aspects Lead to Discrepant Findings. Current neuropharmacology 2015, 13(5):605-615.
  90. Martinez-Aran A, Vieta E, Torrent C, Sanchez-Moreno J, Goikolea JM, Salamero M, Malhi GS, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Daban C, Alvarez-Grandi S et al: Functional outcome in bipolar disorder: the role of clinical and cognitive factors. Bipolar Disord 2007, 9(1-2):103-113.
  91. Baghai TC, Blier P, Baldwin DS, Bauer M, Goodwin GM, Fountoulakis KN, Kasper S, Leonard BE, Malt UF, Stein D et al: General and comparative efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants in the acute treatment of depressive disorders: a report by the WPA section of pharmacopsychiatry. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2011, 261 Suppl 3:207-245.
  92. Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis SG, St Kaprinis G: Geriatric depression: a challenge for the 21st century. Aging Clin Exp Res 2004, 16(3):173-175.
  93. Fountoulakis KN: The global effect of aripiprazole monotherapy in the spectrum of symptoms in bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2010, 9(Suppl 1 1st International Congress on Neurobiology and Clini):S59.
  94. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Kleanthous S, Samolis S, Gougoulias K, St Kaprinis G, Bech P: The Greek translation of the symptoms rating scale for depression and anxiety: preliminary results of the validation study. BMC Psychiatry 2003, 3:21.
  95. Paika V, Andreoulakis E, Ntountoulaki E, Papaioannou D, Kotsis K, Siafaka V, Fountoulakis KN, Pargament KI, Carvalho AF, Hyphantis T et al: The Greek-Orthodox version of the Brief Religious Coping (B-RCOPE) instrument: psychometric properties in three samples and associations with mental disorders, suicidality, illness perceptions, and quality of life. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2017, 16:13.
  96. Fountoulakis KN, Grammatikopoulos IA, Koupidis SA, Siamouli M, Theodorakis PN: Health and the financial crisis in Greece. Lancet 2012, 379(9820):1001-1002; author reply 1002.
  97. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Siamouli M, Moutou K, Nitsa Z, Leonard BE, Kasper S: Higher than recommended dosages of antipsychotics in male patients with schizophrenia are associated with increased depression but no major neurocognitive side effects: Results of a cross-sectional pilot naturalistic study. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2017, 75:113-119.
  98. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Rihmer Z, Laszik A, Akiskal HS, Bagdy G: How possible is the development of an operational psychometric method to assess the presence of the 5-HTTLPR s allele? Equivocal preliminary findings. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2010, 9:21.
  99. Pompili M, Harnic D, Gonda X, Forte A, Dominici G, Innamorati M, Fountoulakis KN, Serafini G, Sher L, Janiri L et al: Impact of living with bipolar patients: Making sense of caregivers' burden. World journal of psychiatry 2014, 4(1):1-12.
  100. Leucht S, Fountoulakis K: Improvement of the physical health of people with mental illness. Curr Opin Psychiatry 2006, 19(4):411-412.
  101. Gonda X, Fountoulakis K, Csukly G, Telek T, Pap D, Rihmer Z, Bagdy G: Increased attention for negative life events is associated with an elevated risk for premenstrual symptoms. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2010, 9(Suppl 1 1st International Congress on Neurobiology and Clini):S188.
  102. Triantafyllou N, Evangelopoulos ME, Kimiskidis VK, Kararizou E, Boufidou F, Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Nikolaou C, Sfagos C, Vlaikidis N et al: Increased plasma homocysteine levels in patients with multiple sclerosis and depression. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2008, 7:17.
  103. Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Baethge C, Bauer R, Bellivier F, Belmaker RH et al: Influence of birth cohort on age of onset cluster analysis in bipolar I disorder. Eur Psychiatry 2015, 30(1):99-105.
  104. Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Baethge C, Bauer R, Baune BT, Bellivier F et al: Influence of light exposure during early life on the age of onset of bipolar disorder. J Psychiatr Res 2015, 64:1-8.
  105. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Csukly G, Bagdy G, Pap D, Molnar E, Laszik A, Lazary J, Sarosi A, Faludi G et al: Interaction of 5-HTTLPR genotype and unipolar major depression in the emergence of aggressive/hostile traits. J Affect Disord 2011, 132(3):432-437.
  106. Fountoulakis KN, Young A, Yatham L, Grunze H, Vieta E, Blier P, Moeller HJ, Kasper S: The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder in Adults (CINP-BD-2017), Part 1: Background and Methods of the Development of Guidelines. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2017, 20(2):98-120.
  107. Fountoulakis KN, Vieta E, Young A, Yatham L, Grunze H, Blier P, Moeller HJ, Kasper S: The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder in Adults (CINP-BD-2017), Part 4: Unmet Needs in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder and Recommendations for Future Research. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2017, 20(2):196-205.
  108. Fountoulakis KN, Yatham L, Grunze H, Vieta E, Young A, Blier P, Kasper S, Moeller HJ: The International College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (CINP) Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder in Adults (CINP-BD-2017), Part 2: Review, Grading of the Evidence, and a Precise Algorithm. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2017, 20(2):121-179.
  109. Fountoulakis KN, Grunze H, Vieta E, Young A, Yatham L, Blier P, Kasper S, Moeller HJ: The International College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (CINP) Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder in Adults (CINP-BD-2017), Part 3: The Clinical Guidelines. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2017, 20(2):180-195.
  110. Pacchiarotti I, Bond DJ, Baldessarini RJ, Nolen WA, Grunze H, Licht RW, Post RM, Berk M, Goodwin GM, Sachs GS et al: The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) task force report on antidepressant use in bipolar disorders. Am J Psychiatry 2013, 170(11):1249-1262.
  111. Fountoulakis KN: Introduction--bipolar illness: current understanding and future perspectives. CNS Neurosci Ther 2012, 18(3):193.
  112. Rosa AR, Fountoulakis K, Siamouli M, Gonda X, Vieta E: Is anticonvulsant treatment of mania a class effect? Data from randomized clinical trials. CNS Neurosci Ther 2011, 17(3):167-177.
  113. Siamouli M, Samara M, Fountoulakis KN: Is antiepileptic-induced suicidality a data-based class effect or an exaggeration? A comment on the literature. Harv Rev Psychiatry 2014, 22(6):379-381.
  114. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Karamouzis M, Gerasimou G, Grammatikos P, Fotiou F, Kaprinis G: Is it possible to predict the long-term response to venlafaxine with the use of biological markers and psychophysiological methods? J Affect Disord 2007, 99(1-3):155-163.
  115. Fountoulakis KN: Is Really Crocus Sativus as Effective as Citalopram in the Treatment of Depression? Pharmacopsychiatry 2018, 51(3):105.
  116. Fountoulakis KN, Fotiou F, Iacovides A, Kaprinis G: Is there a dysfunction in the visual system of depressed patients? Ann Gen Psychiatry 2005, 4(1):7.
  117. Fountoulakis KN, St Kaprinis G, Fotiou F: Is there a role for pupillometry in the diagnostic approach of Alzheimer's disease? a review of the data. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004, 52(1):166-168.
  118. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Magiria S, Kaprinis G: Late-life depression, religiosity, cerebrovascular disease, cognitive impairment and attitudes towards death in the elderly: interpreting the data. Med Hypotheses 2008, 70(3):493-496.
  119. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Fotiou F, Kaprinis GS: Lateralization of pupillary light reflex parameters. Comment on the paper: Bar KJ, Boettger MK, Till S, Dolicek J, Sauer H. Clin Neurophysiol 2005;116:790-798. Clin Neurophysiol 2005, 116(10):2505; author reply 2505-2506.
  120. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Kaprinis S, Kaprinis G: Life events and clinical subtypes of major depression: a cross-sectional study. Psychiatry Res 2006, 143(2-3):235-244.
  121. Fountoulakis KN, Pavlidis I, Tsolaki M: Life events and dementia: what is the nature of their relationship? Psychiatry Res 2011, 190(1):156-158.
  122. Vardaxi CC, Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN: Life events in schizoaffective disorder: A systematic review. J Affect Disord 2018, 227:563-570.
  123. Fountoulakis KN, Tegos T, Kimiskidis V: Lithium monotherapy-induced tardive dyskinesia. J Affect Disord 2018, 244:78-79.
  124. Fountoulakis KN, Tegos T, Kimiskidis V: Lithium monotherapy-induced tardive dyskinesia. J Affect Disord 2019, 244:78-79.
  125. Fountoulakis KN, Kontis D: Mathematical coupling and the true role of baseline severity in acute mania trials. Neuropsychopharmacology 2012, 37(3):850.
  126. Fountoulakis KN, Hoschl C, Kasper S, Lopez-Ibor J, Moller HJ: The media and intellectuals' response to medical publications: the antidepressants' case. Annals of general psychiatry 2013, 12(1):11.
  127. Kristof Z, Kresznerits S, Olah M, Gyollai A, Lukacs-Miszler K, Halmai T, Fountoulakis KN, Tenyi T, Dome P, Gonda X: Mentalization and empathy as predictors of violence in schizophrenic patients: Comparison with nonviolent schizophrenic patients, violent controls and nonviolent controls. Psychiatry Res 2018, 268:198-205.
  128. Fountoulakis KN: The misleading concept of initial severity in depression clinical trials: development and results from a mathematical model. Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2017, 25(1):18-20.
  129. Fountoulakis KN, Popovic D, Mosheva M, Siamouli M, Moutou K, Gonda X: Mood Symptoms in Stabilized Patients with Schizophrenia: A Bipolar Type with Predominant Psychotic Features? Psychiatria Danubina 2017, 29(2):148-154.
  130. Fountoulakis KN, Karamouzis M, Iacovides A, Nimatoudis J, Diakogiannis J, Kaprinis G, Demitriadou A, Bech P: Morning and evening plasma melatonin and dexamethasone suppression test in patients with nonseasonal major depressive disorder from northern Greece (latitude 40-41.5 degrees ). Neuropsychobiology 2001, 44(3):113-117.
  131. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Fotiou F, Nimatoudis J, Bascialla F, Ioannidou C, Kaprinis G, Bech P: Neurobiological and psychological correlates of suicidal attempts and thoughts of death in patients with major depression. Neuropsychobiology 2004, 49(1):42-52.
  132. Tsitsipa E, Fountoulakis KN: The neurocognitive functioning in bipolar disorder: a systematic review of data. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2015, 14:42.
  133. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis P, Kimiskidis V, Nimatoudis I, Gonda X: Neurological soft signs in familial and sporadic schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 2018, 272:222-229.
  134. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis P, Kimiskidis V, Nimatoudis I, Gonda X: Neurological soft signs in familial and sporadic schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 2019, 272:222-229.
  135. Panagiotidis P, Kaprinis G, Iacovides A, Fountoulakis K: [Neurological soft signs in schizophrenia: correlations with age, sex, educational status and psychopathology]. Psychiatrike = Psychiatriki 2013, 24(4):272-287.
  136. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis P, Gonda X, Kimiskidis V, Nimatoudis I: Neurological soft signs significantly differentiate schizophrenia patients from healthy controls. Acta Neuropsychiatr 2017:1-9.
  137. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis P, Gonda X, Kimiskidis V, Nimatoudis I: Neurological soft signs significantly differentiate schizophrenia patients from healthy controls. Acta Neuropsychiatr 2018, 30(2):97-105.
  138. Tsiptsios I, Fotiou F, Sitzoglou K, Fountoulakis KN: Neurophysiological investigation of cervical spondylosis. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 2001, 41(5):305-313.
  139. Nivoli AM, Colom F, Murru A, Pacchiarotti I, Castro-Loli P, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Fountoulakis KN, Vieta E: New treatment guidelines for acute bipolar depression: a systematic review. J Affect Disord 2011, 129(1-3):14-26.
  140. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Andreoulakis E, Fokas K, Iacovides A: No differences between drug naive and drug experienced unipolar depressed patients in terms of neurobiological testing: a cross sectional study. J Psychiatr Res 2013, 47(12):1984-1990.
  141. Fountoulakis KN, Veroniki AA, Siamouli M, Moller HJ: No role for initial severity on the efficacy of antidepressants: results of a multi-meta-analysis. Annals of general psychiatry 2013, 12(1):26.
  142. Fountoulakis KN, Balaris D, Nikolaou V, Nuimatoudis J: [Non-conventional pharmacological agents for the treatment of bipolar disorder: Alpha systematic review of the evidence]. Psychiatrike = Psychiatriki 2016, 27(4):253-263.
  143. Fountoulakis KN, Andreoulakis LE, Iacovides A: Nonsensory hallucinations or obsessive symptoms?: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma in a psychotic patient. J Nerv Ment Dis 2013, 201(9):818-823.
  144. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis P, Magiria S, Kantartzis S, Papastergiou N, Shoretsanitis G, Pantoula E, Moutou K, Kouidi E et al: Obesity and smoking in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls: a case-control study. Psychiatry Res 2010, 176(1):13-16.
  145. Fountoulakis KN, Nimatoudis I, Iacovides A, Kaprinis G: Off-label indications for atypical antipsychotics: A systematic review. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2004, 3(1):4.
  146. Fountoulakis KN: Past, present and future in the treatment of major psychotic disorders. Curr Pharm Des 2012, 18(12):1557.
  147. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis P, Moutou K, Nimatoudis I, Kasper S: Paternal and maternal age as risk factors for schizophrenia: a case-control study. International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 2017:1-7.
  148. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis P, Moutou K, Nimatoudis I, Kasper S: Paternal and maternal age as risk factors for schizophrenia: a case-control study. International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 2018, 22(3):170-176.
  149. Fotiou F, Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Kaprinis G: Pattern-reversed visual evoked potentials in subtypes of major depression. Psychiatry Res 2003, 118(3):259-271.
  150. Steinhauser G, Adlassnig W, Risch JA, Anderlini S, Arguriou P, Armendariz AZ, Bains W, Baker C, Barnes M, Barnett J et al: Peer review versus editorial review and their role in innovative science. Theor Med Bioeth 2012, 33(5):359-376.
  151. Fountoulakis KN, Kantartzis S, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis P, Kaprinis S, Iacovides A, Kaprinis G: Peripheral thyroid dysfunction in depression. World J Biol Psychiatry 2006, 7(3):131-137.
  152. Fountoulakis KN, Moeller HJ, Kasper S: Personalised and precision psychiatry: what do the CINP bipolar guidelines suggest? International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 2018:1-2.
  153. Fountoulakis KN, Moeller HJ, Kasper S: Personalised and precision psychiatry: what do the CINP bipolar guidelines suggest? International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 2019, 23(1):80-81.
  154. Fountoulakis KN, Leucht S, Kaprinis GS: Personality disorders and violence. Curr Opin Psychiatry 2008, 21(1):84-92.
  155. Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis GS: Personality disorders: new data versus old concepts. Curr Opin Psychiatry 2006, 19(1):90-94.
  156. Fountoulakis KN: Pharmaceutical treatment of acute bipolar depression. F1000 Med Rep 2010, 2.
  157. Fountoulakis KN, Gazouli M, Kelsoe J, Akiskal H: The pharmacodynamic properties of lurasidone and their role in its antidepressant efficacy in bipolar disorder. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2015, 25(3):335-342.
  158. Pompili M, Innamorati M, Gonda X, Serafini G, Erbuto D, Ricci F, Fountoulakis KN, Lester D, Vazquez G, Rihmer Z et al: Pharmacotherapy in bipolar disorders during hospitalization and at discharge predicts clinical and psychosocial functioning at follow-up. Human psychopharmacology 2014, 29(6):578-588.
  159. Moller HJ, Bitter I, Bobes J, Fountoulakis K, Hoschl C, Kasper S, European Psychiatric A: Position statement of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) on the value of antidepressants in the treatment of unipolar depression. Eur Psychiatry 2012, 27(2):114-128.
  160. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Harro J, Pompili M, Akiskal HS, Bagdy G, Rihmer Z: The possible contributory role of the S allele of 5-HTTLPR in the emergence of suicidality. J Psychopharmacol 2011, 25(7):857-866.
  161. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Dome P, Theodorakis PN, Rihmer Z: Possible delayed effect of unemployment on suicidal rates: the case of Hungary. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2014, 13:12.
  162. Fountoulakis KN: The possible involvement of NMDA glutamate receptor in the etiopathogenesis of bipolar disorder. Curr Pharm Des 2012, 18(12):1605-1608.
  163. Fountoulakis KN, Andreoulakis E, Iacovides A: Possible polyneuritis cranialis in a psychotic patient: diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2012, 24(4):E26-27.
  164. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis G, Rihmer Z: Prediction and prevention of suicide in patients with unipolar depression and anxiety. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2007, 6:23.
  165. Carvalho AF, McIntyre RS, Dimelis D, Gonda X, Berk M, Nunes-Neto PR, Cha DS, Hyphantis TN, Angst J, Fountoulakis KN: Predominant polarity as a course specifier for bipolar disorder: a systematic review. J Affect Disord 2014, 163:56-64.
  166. Siamouli M, Moutou K, Pantoula E, Magiria S, Chatzivasileiou I, Arapidis K, Chatzivasileiou A, Deres S, Fountoulakis KN: Preliminary data concerning the reliability and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the 20-item Subjective Well-Being Under Neuroleptic Treatment Scale (SWN-20). Ann Gen Psychiatry 2009, 8:3.
  167. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis P, Kimiskidis V, Nimatoudis I, Gonda X: Prevalence and correlates of neurological soft signs in healthy controls without family history of any mental disorder: A neurodevelopmental variation rather than a specific risk factor? Int J Dev Neurosci 2018, 68:59-65.
  168. Preti A, Vrublevska J, Veroniki AA, Huedo-Medina TB, Kyriazis O, Fountoulakis KN: Prevalence and treatment of panic disorder in bipolar disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-based mental health 2018.
  169. Preti A, Vrublevska J, Veroniki AA, Huedo-Medina TB, Fountoulakis KN: Prevalence, impact and treatment of generalised anxiety disorder in bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-based mental health 2016, 19(3):73-81.
  170. Moller HJ, Fountoulakis KN: Problems in determining efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants. Psychiatrike = Psychiatriki 2011, 22(4):298-306.
  171. Tournavitis A, Tortopidis D, Fountoulakis K, Menexes G, Koidis P: Psychopathologic Profiles of TMD Patients with Different Pain Locations. The International journal of prosthodontics 2017, 30(3):251-257.
  172. Iakovides SA, Iliadou VT, Bizeli VT, Kaprinis SG, Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis GS: Psychophysiology and psychoacoustics of music: Perception of complex sound in normal subjects and psychiatric patients. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2004, 3(1):6.
  173. Reinares M, Sanchez-Moreno J, Fountoulakis KN: Psychosocial interventions in bipolar disorder: what, for whom, and when. J Affect Disord 2014, 156:46-55.
  174. Miziou S, Tsitsipa E, Moysidou S, Karavelas V, Dimelis D, Polyzoidou V, Fountoulakis KN: Psychosocial treatment and interventions for bipolar disorder: a systematic review. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2015, 14:19.
  175. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Siamouli M, Rihmer Z: Psychotherapeutic intervention and suicide risk reduction in bipolar disorder: a review of the evidence. J Affect Disord 2009, 113(1-2):21-29.
  176. Fountoulakis KN, Diakogiannis I, Nimatoudis I: Racial discrimination in combination with stigma for mental illness and dysfunctional Greek police and justice: A case report which summarizes the problems in Greek society and public administration. Int J Soc Psychiatry 2018:20764018820055.
  177. Fountoulakis KN, Diakogiannis I, Nimatoudis I: Racial discrimination in combination with stigma for mental illness and dysfunctional Greek police and justice: A case report which summarizes the problems in Greek society and public administration. Int J Soc Psychiatry 2019, 65(2):180.
  178. Carvalho AF, Dimellis D, Gonda X, Vieta E, McLntyre RS, Fountoulakis KN: Rapid cycling in bipolar disorder: a systematic review. The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2014, 75(6):e578-586.
  179. Fountoulakis KN, Savopoulos C, Apostolopoulou M, Dampali R, Zaggelidou E, Karlafti E, Fountoukidis I, Kountis P, Limenopoulos V, Plomaritis E et al: Rate of suicide and suicide attempts and their relationship to unemployment in Thessaloniki Greece (2000-2012). J Affect Disord 2015, 174:131-136.
  180. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M: Re: How well do psychosocial interventions work in bipolar disorder? Can J Psychiatry 2009, 54(8):578.
  181. Fountoulakis KN, Kelsoe JR, Akiskal H: Receptor targets for antidepressant therapy in bipolar disorder: an overview. J Affect Disord 2012, 138(3):222-238.
  182. Fountoulakis KN: Refractoriness in bipolar disorder: definitions and evidence-based treatment. CNS Neurosci Ther 2012, 18(3):227-237.
  183. Fountoulakis KN, Souliotis K: Regionalising without rationalising in the Greek mental health care system. The lancet Psychiatry 2017, 4(8):e18.
  184. Iacovides A, Fountoulakis KN, Fotiou F, Fokas K, Nimatoudis I, Kaprinis G: Relation of personality disorders to subtypes of major depression according both to DSM-IV and ICD-10. Can J Psychiatry 2002, 47(2):196-197.
  185. Fountoulakis K, Iacovides A, Fotiou F, Karamouzis M, Demetriadou A, Kaprinis G: Relationship among Dexamethasone Suppression Test, personality disorders and stressful life events in clinical subtypes of major depression: An exploratory study. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2004, 3(1):15.
  186. Carvalho AF, Hyphantis TN, Taunay TC, Macedo DS, Floros GD, Ottoni GL, Fountoulakis KN, Lara DR: The relationship between affective temperaments, defensive styles and depressive symptoms in a large sample. J Affect Disord 2013, 146(1):58-65.
  187. Iacovides A, Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis S, Kaprinis G: The relationship between job stress, burnout and clinical depression. J Affect Disord 2003, 75(3):209-221.
  188. Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Baethge C, Bauer R, Bellivier F, Belmaker RH et al: Relationship between sunlight and the age of onset of bipolar disorder: an international multisite study. J Affect Disord 2014, 167:104-111.
  189. Iacovides A, Fountoulakis KN, Balaskas E, Manika A, Markopoulou M, Kaprinis G, Tourkantonis A: Relationship of age and psychosocial factors with biological ratings in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing dialysis. Aging Clin Exp Res 2002, 14(5):354-360.
  190. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Gerasimou G, Fotiou F, Ioannidou C, Bascialla F, Grammaticos P, Kaprinis G: The relationship of regional cerebral blood flow with subtypes of major depression. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2004, 28(3):537-546.
  191. Fountoulakis KN, Kawohl W, Theodorakis PN, Kerkhof AJ, Navickas A, Hoschl C, Lecic-Tosevski D, Sorel E, Rancans E, Palova E et al: Relationship of suicide rates to economic variables in Europe: 2000-2011. Br J Psychiatry 2014, 205(6):486-496.
  192. Fountoulakis KN, Chatzikosta I, Pastiadis K, Zanis P, Kawohl W, Kerkhof AJ, Navickas A, Hoschl C, Lecic-Tosevski D, Sorel E et al: Relationship of suicide rates with climate and economic variables in Europe during 2000-2012. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2016, 15:19.
  193. Ntountoulaki E, Paika V, Papaioannou D, Guthrie E, Kotsis K, Fountoulakis KN, Carvalho AF, Hyphantis T, members A-DSG: The relationship of the perceived impact of the current Greek recession with increased suicide risk is moderated by mental illness in patients with long-term conditions. Journal of psychosomatic research 2017, 96:98-105.
  194. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Ioannidou C, Bascialla F, Nimatoudis I, Kaprinis G, Janca A, Dahl A: Reliability and cultural applicability of the Greek version of the International Personality Disorders Examination. BMC Psychiatry 2002, 2:6.
  195. Fountoulakis KN, Papadopoulou M, Kleanthous S, Papadopoulou A, Bizeli V, Nimatoudis I, Iacovides A, Kaprinis GS: Reliability and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory form Y: preliminary data. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2006, 5:2.
  196. Fountoulakis K, Iacovides A, Kleanthous S, Samolis S, Kaprinis SG, Sitzoglou K, St Kaprinis G, Bech P: Reliability, validity and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) Scale. BMC Psychiatry 2001, 1:3.
  197. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Kleanthous S, Samolis S, Gougoulias K, Tsiptsios I, Kaprinis GS, Bech P: Reliability, validity and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the Major Depression Inventory. BMC Psychiatry 2003, 3:2.
  198. Fountoulakis KN, lacovides A, Samolis S, Kleanthous S, Kaprinis SG, St Kaprinis G, Bech P: Reliability, validity and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the Zung Depression Rating Scale. BMC Psychiatry 2001, 1:6.
  199. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Baghai TC, Baldwin DS, Bauer M, Blier P, Gattaz W, Hasler G, Moller HJ, Tandon R et al: Report of the WPA section of pharmacopsychiatry on the relationship of antiepileptic drugs with suicidality in epilepsy. International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 2015, 19(3):158-167.
  200. Fountoulakis KN, Nimatoudis I, Iacovides A, Kaprinis G: Report of three cases that received maintenance treatment with risperidone as a mood stabilizer. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2004, 3(1):10.
  201. Fountoulakis KN: Retinal response anomalies in patients with mental illness and high risk relatives. Biol Psychiatry 2010, 68(2):e3; author reply e5.
  202. Parker G, Tavella G, Macqueen G, Berk M, Grunze H, Deckersbach T, Dunner DL, Sajatovic M, Amsterdam JD, Ketter TA et al: Revising Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, criteria for the bipolar disorders: Phase I of the AREDOC project. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry 2018:4867418808382.
  203. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Rihmer Z, Fokas C, Iacovides A: Revisiting the Dexamethasone Suppression Test in unipolar major depression: an exploratory study. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2008, 7:22.
  204. Fountoulakis KN, Souliotis K: The right to choose treatment-without-treatment: respecting civil rights or an unprecedented manifestation of 'reverse stigma'? Acta Neuropsychiatr 2018:1-3.
  205. Fountoulakis KN, Souliotis K: The right to choose treatment-without-treatment: respecting civil rights or an unprecedented manifestation of 'reverse stigma'? Acta Neuropsychiatr 2019, 31(1):56-58.
  206. Tsolaki M, Fountoulakis K, Chantzi E, Kazis A: Risk factors for clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease: a case-control study of a Greek population. Int Psychogeriatr 1997, 9(3):327-341.
  207. Panagiotidis PT, Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Magiria S, Iacovides A, Kaprinis G: Risperidone-induced sialorrhea responsive to biperiden treatment. Schizophr Res 2007, 93(1-3):410-411.
  208. Fountoulakis KN: The role of funcional neuroimaging in contrmporary psychiatry. Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur 1999, 2(2):54-58.
  209. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Koufaki I, Hyphantis T, Cloninger CR: The Role of Temperament in the Etiopathogenesis of Bipolar Spectrum Illness. Harvard review of psychiatry 2016, 24(1):36-52.
  210. Gonda X, Fountoulakis K, Harro J, Pompili M, Bagdy G, Akiskal KK, Akiskal HS, Rihmer Z: The s allele of 5-HTTLPR: a possible common link in the background of endophenotypes related to suicidal behaviours? Ann Gen Psychiatry 2010, 9(Suppl 1 1st International Congress on Neurobiology and Clini):S189.
  211. Carvalho AF, Nunes-Neto PR, Castelo MS, Macedo DS, Dimellis D, Soeiro-de-Souza MG, Soczynska JK, McIntyre RS, Hyphantis TN, Fountoulakis KN: Screening for bipolar depression in family medicine practices: prevalence and clinical correlates. J Affect Disord 2014, 162:120-127.
  212. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Karamouzis M, Kaprinis GS, Ierodiakonou C: Season of birth, clinical manifestations and Dexamethasone Suppression Test in unipolar major depression. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2007, 6:20.
  213. Fountoulakis KN, Magiria S, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis P, Nimatoudis I, Iacovides A, Kaprinis GS: A seven- year follow-up of an extremely refractory bipolar I patient. CNS Spectr 2007, 12(10):733-734.
  214. Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Aleksandrovich MA, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Ayhan Y, Baethge C, Bharathram SR et al: Solar insolation in springtime influences age of onset of bipolar I disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2017, 136(6):571-582.
  215. Fountoulakis KN, Kaprinis SG, Kaprinis GS: Special characteristics affecting the neuropsychologic assessment of the elderly in Greece. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2002, 17(5):273-276.
  216. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis PT, Magiria S, Kantartzis S, Terzoglou VA, Oral T: The standardised copy of pentagons test. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2011, 10(1):13.
  217. Fountoulakis KN, Rozsa S, Siamouli M, Moutou K, Pantoula E, Cloninger CR: Standardization and normative data of the Greek version of the temperament and character inventory (TCI). Ann Gen Psychiatry 2015, 14:28.
  218. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Moysidou S, Pantoula E, Moutou K, Panagiotidis P, Kemeridou M, Mavridou E, Loli E, Batsiari E et al: Standardization of the NEO-PI-3 in the Greek general population. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2014, 13(1):36.
  219. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Magiria M, Pantoula E, Moutou K, Kemeridou M, Mavridou E, Panagiotidis P, Loli E, Batsiari E et al: Standardization of the TEMPS-A in the Greek general population. J Affect Disord 2014, 158:19-29.
  220. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Magiria S, Panagiotidis PT, Kantartzis S, Terzoglou VA, Oral T: A standardized scoring method for the copy of cube test, developed to be suitable for use in psychiatric populations. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2011, 10(1):19.
  221. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Csukly G, Dome P, Sarchiapone M, Laszik A, Bedi K, Juhasz G, Siamouli M, Rudisch T et al: Star-crossed? The association of the 5-HTTLPR s allele with season of birth in a healthy female population, and possible consequences for temperament, depression and suicide. J Affect Disord 2012, 143(1-3):75-83.
  222. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Siamouli M, Koumaris V, Kaprinis GS: Successful treatment of anorexia with a combination of high-dose olanzapine, fluoxetine and mirtazapine. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006, 44(9):452-453.
  223. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, St Kaprinis G: Successful treatment of Tourette's disorder with amisulpride. Ann Pharmacother 2004, 38(5):901.
  224. Rihmer Z, Gonda X, Rihmer A, Fountoulakis KN: Suicidal and violent behaviour in mood disorders: A major public health problem. A review for the clinician. International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice 2010, 14(2):88-94.
  225. Fountoulakis KN: Suicide and the economic situation in Europe: are we experiencing the development of a 'reverse stigma'? Br J Psychiatry 2016, 209(4):273-274.
  226. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Rihmer Z: Suicide prevention programs through community intervention. J Affect Disord 2011, 130(1-2):10-16.
  227. Rihmer Z, Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN: Suicide prevention programs through education in the frame of healthcare. Psychiatr Hung 2009, 24(6):382-387.
  228. Fountoulakis KN: Suicide rate in Greece stabilizes at historically high levels but still lowest in Europe. J Affect Disord 2018.
  229. Fountoulakis KN, Koupidis SA, Siamouli M, Grammatikopoulos IA, Theodorakis PN: Suicide, recession, and unemployment. Lancet 2013, 381(9868):721-722.
  230. Dragioti E, Dimoliatis I, Fountoulakis KN, Evangelou E: A systematic appraisal of allegiance effect in randomized controlled trials of psychotherapy. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2015, 14:25.
  231. Fountoulakis KN, Vieta E, Bouras C, Notaridis G, Giannakopoulos P, Kaprinis G, Akiskal H: A systematic review of existing data on long-term lithium therapy: neuroprotective or neurotoxic? Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2008, 11(2):269-287.
  232. Fountoulakis KN, Kontis D, Gonda X, Yatham LN: A systematic review of the evidence on the treatment of rapid cycling bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2013, 15(2):115-137.
  233. Reinares M, Rosa AR, Franco C, Goikolea JM, Fountoulakis K, Siamouli M, Gonda X, Frangou S, Vieta E: A systematic review on the role of anticonvulsants in the treatment of acute bipolar depression. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2013, 16(2):485-496.
  234. Fountoulakis KN, Panagiotidis P: Tardive Tourette-like syndrome in a patient treated with paliperidone. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2011, 23(4):E35-36.
  235. Fountoulakis KN, Samara M, Siapera M, Iacovides A: Tardive Tourette-like syndrome: a systematic review. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2011, 26(5):237-242.
  236. Ristic-Ignjatovic D, Hinic D, Jakovljevic M, Fountoulakis K, Siepera M, Rancic N: A ten-year study of depressive symptoms in Serbian medical students. Acta Clin Croat 2013, 52(2):157-163.
  237. O'Hara R, Derouesne C, Fountoulakis KN, Yesavage JA: Therapeutic approaches to age-associated neurocognitive disorders. Dialogues Clin Neurosci 2001, 3(3):191-213.
  238. Fountoulakis KN: Therapeutic effect of sertindole on neurocognitive deficit independently of positive and negative symptoms response: A case report. Psychiatry Res 2017, 258:618-620.
  239. Fountoulakis KN, Iacovides A, Grammaticos P, St Kaprinis G, Bech P: Thyroid function in clinical subtypes of major depression: an exploratory study. BMC Psychiatry 2004, 4:6.
  240. Gonda X, Fountoulakis KN, Rihmer Z, Lazary J, Laszik A, Akiskal KK, Akiskal HS, Bagdy G: Towards a genetically validated new affective temperament scale: a delineation of the temperament phenotype of 5-HTTLPR using the TEMPS-A. J Affect Disord 2009, 112(1-3):19-29.
  241. Fountoulakis KN: Treatment guidelines for acute bipolar depression. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2010, 9(Suppl 1 1st International Congress on Neurobiology and Clini):S63.
  242. Fountoulakis KN, Vieta E, Sanchez-Moreno J, Kaprinis SG, Goikolea JM, Kaprinis GS: Treatment guidelines for bipolar disorder: a critical review. J Affect Disord 2005, 86(1):1-10.
  243. Fountoulakis KN: Treatment guidelines for mental disorders: reality or illusion? Psychiatrike = Psychiatriki 2015, 26(2):89-92.
  244. Carvalho AF, Quevedo J, McIntyre RS, Soeiro-de-Souza MG, Fountoulakis KN, Berk M, Hyphantis TN, Vieta E: Treatment implications of predominant polarity and the polarity index: a comprehensive review. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2014, 18(2).
  245. Fountoulakis KN, Tegos T, Goulis DG, Nimatoudis I, Kimiskidis V: Treatment of a female patient with persistent genital arousal and Parkinson's disease with paliperidone. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry 2017, 51(1):98-99.
  246. Fountoulakis KN, Grunze H, Panagiotidis P, Kaprinis G: Treatment of bipolar depression: an update. J Affect Disord 2008, 109(1-2):21-34.
  247. Fountoulakis KN, Vieta E, Siamouli M, Valenti M, Magiria S, Oral T, Fresno D, Giannakopoulos P, Kaprinis GS: Treatment of bipolar disorder: a complex treatment for a multi-faceted disorder. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2007, 6:27.
  248. Fountoulakis KN, Vieta E: Treatment of bipolar disorder: a systematic review of available data and clinical perspectives. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2008, 11(7):999-1029.
  249. Fountoulakis KN, Kontis D, Gonda X, Siamouli M, Yatham LN: Treatment of mixed bipolar states. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2012, 15(7):1015-1026.
  250. Fountoulakis KN, Gonda X, Vieta E, Schmidt F: Treatment of psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder with aripiprazole monotherapy: a meta-analysis. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2010, 9(Suppl 1 1st International Congress on Neurobiology and Clini):S225.
  251. Fountoulakis KN, Savopoulos C, Siamouli M, Zaggelidou E, Mageiria S, Iacovides A, Hatzitolios AI: Trends in suicidality amid the economic crisis in Greece. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2013, 263(5):441-444.
  252. Fountoulakis KN, Siamouli M, Panagiotidis P, Magiria S, Kantartzis S, Iacovides A, Kaprinis GS: Ultra short manic-like episodes after antidepressant augmentation with modafinil. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2008, 32(3):891-892.
  253. Fountoulakis KN, O'Hara R, Iacovides A, Camilleri CP, Kaprinis S, Kaprinis G, Yesavage J: Unipolar late-onset depression: A comprehensive review. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2003, 2(1):11.
  254. Fountoulakis KN: An update of evidence-based treatment of bipolar depression: where do we stand? Curr Opin Psychiatry 2010, 23(1):19-24.
  255. Ferentinos P, Fountoulakis KN, Lewis CM, Porichi E, Dikeos D, Papageorgiou C, Douzenis A: Validating a two-dimensional bipolar spectrum model integrating DSM-5's mixed features specifier for Major Depressive Disorder. Comprehensive psychiatry 2017, 77:89-99.
  256. Fountoulakis KN, Tsolaki M, Paulopoulos H, Kazis A: Validation of the epidemiological dementia index in geriatric outpatients. Int Psychogeriatr 2000, 12(2):195-208.
  257. Fountoulakis KN, Tsolaki M, Iacovides A, Yesavage J, O'Hara R, Kazis A, Ierodiakonou C: The validation of the short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) in Greece. Aging (Milano) 1999, 11(6):367-372.
  258. Fotiou F, Koutlas E, Tsorlinis I, Dimitriades A, Fountoulakis K, Tsiptsios I, Sitzoglou K, Karampatakis V, Stangos N: The value of neurophysiological and MRI assessment in demyelinating optic neuritis (DON). Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 1999, 39(7):397-404.
  259. Nolen WA, Licht RW, Young AH, Malhi GS, Tohen M, Vieta E, Kupka RW, Zarate C, Nielsen RE, Baldessarini R et al: What is the optimal serum level for lithium in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder? A systematic review and recommendations from the ISBD/IGSLI Task Force on treatment with lithium. Bipolar Disord 2019.
  260. Sayyaparaju KK, Grunze H, Fountoulakis KN: When to start aripiprazole therapy in patients with bipolar mania. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 2014, 10:459-470.




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