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    During the 10th Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology & Treatment Guidance, will take place the CINP workshop on February 27th and March 1st

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    CINP Workshop Program

    Alan Schatzberg
    (USA), Allan Young (UK), Joseph Zohar (Israel), Siegfried Kasper (Austria), Kostas Fountoulakis (Greece)

    Thursday February 27th, 2025
    PART 1: Introduction to psychopharmacology​
    14.00-15.30  The NbN classification system 
    16.00-17.30 Research and analysis methods in psychopharmacology
    18.00-19.30 Established and emerging treatments of mental disorders
    20.00-20.30 Preparation for workgroups and assignments
    Saturday March 1st, 2025
    PART 2: Treatment guidelines
    10.00-12.00  Schizophrenia
    12.00-14.00 Unipolar depression and Bipolar disorder
    14.00-16.00 OCD
    16.00-18.00 Dementia
    18.00-20.00 Presentations by workgroups

    Category Cost
    Level A
    (any doctor including specialists and residents, right to attend also the CINP workshop) *
    140€ plus VAT 24%
    Level B
    (all other mental health professionals and students, only attending the congress) **


     *The number of participants for the CINP workshop is limited, therefore the deadline for applications is January 25th
    **Other mental health professionals who wish to attend the CINP workshop must apply for it. In this case, the workshop participant should upgrade his/her registration to level A (see above).

    Regardless of the category you belong to, full payment is required in order to participate to the workshop.

    Click here to register


    Congress Secretariat

    Thessaloniki: 50A Stadiou Str. 555 35 Pilea, Thessaloniki, Greece,
    Tel: +30 2310 247743, +30 2310 247734, e-mail: info@globalevents.gr
    Athens: 2 Valestra str. & 168 A. Syngrou Av., 17671 Kallithea, Athens, Greece,
    Tel.: +30 210 3250260, e-mail: athens@globalevents.gr