• Visitors: 1202

    Registration Fees

    Category Cost
    Level A
    (any doctor including specialists and residents, right to attend also the CINP workshop) *
    140€ plus VAT 24%
    Level B
    (all other mental health professionals and students, only attending the congress) **


    *The number of participants for the CINP workshop is limited, therefore the deadline for applications is January 10th, and the scientific committee will decide on acceptance.
    **Other mental health professionals who wish to attend the CINP workshop must apply for it after registration and before the deadline.

    In case of acceptance, the workshop participant should upgrade his registration to level A (see above) before January 10th.

    Registration fees include:
    → Admission to the scientific sessions
    → Certificate of attendance
    → Admission to the exhibition area

    cinp logoworkshop

    27th February and 1st March
    (details to be announced)


    Congress Secretariat

    Thessaloniki: 50A Stadiou Str. 555 35 Pilea, Thessaloniki, Greece,
    Tel: +30 2310 247743, +30 2310 247734, e-mail: info@globalevents.gr
    Athens: 2 Valestra str. & 168 A. Syngrou Av., 17671 Kallithea, Athens, Greece,
    Tel.: +30 210 3250260, e-mail: athens@globalevents.gr