• Visitors: 4069


    Dear colleagues, It’s a great pleasure to invite you to the 10th Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance which will be held on February 27th - March 1st 2025, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

    This 10th Congress again aims at being valuable for the clinicians who fight daily in the front line for the treatment of real-world patients. In this frame, our goal is to provide a global and comprehensive update of the newest developments in Psychiatry and the allied sciences in a manner, which will be both focused and enriched. The rule is always to avoid content-free eloquence and authority and to face hard questions on the base of research findings.

    The online submission system is now active and accepting abstracts for Poster presentation.

    General Information

    Useful information about the venue, posters, visual equipment, certificates of attendance and more

    CME Accreditation

    The congress has been awarded 22 CME-CPD credits acknowledged by the Panhellenic Medical Association.


    The International Society on Neurobiology and Psychopharmacology announces 5 awards for the 5 best posters which will be presented during the conference.

    General Information

    Useful information about the venue, posters, visual equipment, certificates of attendance and more

    Important Deadlines

    January 31st 2024

    February 12th 2024

    Congress Venue

    AKS Hotel
    Address: Porto Heli, 210 61, Argolida, Peloponnese
    Telephone: +30 27540 98000



    Congress Secretariat

    Thessaloniki: 50A Stadiou Str. 555 35 Pilea, Thessaloniki, Greece,
    Tel: +30 2310 247743, +30 2310 247734, e-mail: info@globalevents.gr
    Athens: 2 Valestra str. & 168 A. Syngrou Av., 17671 Kallithea, Athens, Greece,
    Tel.: +30 210 3250260, e-mail: athens@globalevents.gr