• Visitors: 1201


    Dear colleagues,

    It’s a great pleasure to invite you to the 10th Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance which will be held on February 27th - March 1st 2025, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

    This 10th Congress again aims at being valuable for the clinicians who fight daily in the front line for the treatment of real-world patients. In this frame, our goal is to provide a global and comprehensive update of the newest developments in Psychiatry and the allied sciences in a manner, which will be both focused and enriched. The rule is always to avoid content-free eloquence and authority and to face hard questions on the base of research findings.

    The congress will gather again many worldwide experts to share with us their knowledge and experience once again with the support and guidance of the World Psychiatric Association and under the Auspices of the School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

    During these difficult circumstances for the world, advanced education and training is the only way to the future. Novel and advanced technologies and approaches are emerging. Teaching clinical usefulness and application of new knowledge and informed treatment with psychopharmacological agents in a truly multidisciplinary approach will be the central axis of the meeting and although the congress will embrace high tech research concerning psychopathology, new treatment methods, genetics and molecular biology, it also aims on putting the emphasis on the human factor, both the therapist and the patient.

    Apart from the humanistic tradition of Psychiatry and life sciences, the continuous and unconditional investment on the high-level training of professionals and education of patients and their families, emerged as a significant challenge during the last few decades. Medical scientists and public health policy makers are increasingly concerned that the scientific discoveries are failing to be translated efficiently into tangible human benefit. Today, in an all the more complex and technologically advanced environment, the human factor emerges again as the most valuable one, the factor that determines the final outcome.

    This 10th ICNP specifically focuses on the ultimate aim: that is to empower and eventually free patients and their families from the burden of mental disease and fighting for full remission and functional rehabilitation. It also includes the distinguished aim to spread high-level training to younger generations by including symposia organized by medical students and psychiatric residents from around the world. As hosts and organizers, we shall spare no effort in making your participation scientifically rewarding and meaningful.

    Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis
    Professor of Psychiatry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
    Chair of the Scientific Faculty
    Director, 3rd Department of Psychiatry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
    Chair, WPA Section on Pharmakopsychiatry and Section on Evidence-Based Psychiatry

    cinp logoworkshop

    27th February and 1st March
    (details to be announced)


    Congress Secretariat

    Thessaloniki: 50A Stadiou Str. 555 35 Pilea, Thessaloniki, Greece,
    Tel: +30 2310 247743, +30 2310 247734, e-mail: info@globalevents.gr
    Athens: 2 Valestra str. & 168 A. Syngrou Av., 17671 Kallithea, Athens, Greece,
    Tel.: +30 210 3250260, e-mail: athens@globalevents.gr